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Management of Cough

The best management of cough is best to specific drug delivery to the etiology. Three forms of management of cough are: 1. Without the drug delivery Cases with a cough without the interference caused by acute illness and heal itself usually does not need medication.2. Specific Treatment This treatment is given to the causes of cough. If the cause of cough is known then the treatment should be directed towards the cause. With an integrated diagnostic evaluation, in almost all patients can be a known cause of chronic cough. Specific treatment depends on the etiology or the cough mechanism. Asthma treated with bronchodilators or corticosteroids....

Cough - Causes and Complications

Cough Reflex Cough reflex consists of five main components, ie, cough receptors, afferent nerve fibers, central cough, nervous system and efferent effectors. A cough begins with a stimulus on cough receptor. These receptors are non-myelinated nerve fibers in the form of finely located both inside and outside the thoracic cavity. Located within the thoracic cavity, among others, contained in the larynx, trachea, bronchi and the pleura. Will decrease the number of receptors on the branches of a small bronchus, and a large number of receptors found in the larynx, trachea, carina and bronchus branching region. The receptors are also found even...

Cough - Definition and Mechanisms

Cough Cough is a symptom of the most common disease in which the prevalence was found in about 15% in children and 20% in adults. One out of ten patients who visited the doctor's office each year has a chief complaint of cough. Coughing can cause bad feelings, sleep disorders, affecting daily activities and reduce quality of life. Cough is a complex physiological reflex that protects the lung from mechanical trauma, chemical and temperature. Coughing is also a natural defense mechanism of lung airway to keep it clean and open to the street: Prevent the entry of foreign objects into the respiratory tract. Remove foreign objects or abnormal secretions...

Lung Defense Mechanism

Lung defense mechanisms are very important in explaining the occurrence of respiratory infections. lung has defense mechanisms to prevent bacteria from entering into the lungs. cleaning mechanism are: 1. Cleaning mechanism in the conductive airways, including: • Reepitelisasi airway • The flow of mucus on the surface epithelium • Bacteria naturally or "epithelial-cell binding site analogue" • Local humoral factors (IgG and IgA) • Components of the local microbial • Mucosilliar transport system • Sneezing and coughing reflexes Upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx and oropharynx) is a defense mechanism through the barrier against the entry of...

Anesthesia Patients With Asthma

Pre-operation / Pre-anesthesia Assessment Anamnesis History about whether patients had received previous anesthesia is very important to know if there are things that need special attention, for example: allergies, nausea, vomiting, itching or shortness of breath after the surgery, so that we can design the next anesthetic well.Physical examination State of dentition examination, action open mouth, the tongue is relatively large is very important to know whether the action would make it difficult laryngoscopy intubation. Another routine systemically check about the general course should not be missed such as inspection, palpation, percussion...

Pulmonary Edema

Definitions Edema, in general, means swelling. This typically occurs when fluid from the inside of blood vessels leak out of blood vessels into surrounding tissues, causing swelling. This can occur because of too much pressure in blood vessels or there is not enough proteins in the blood stream to hold the liquid in the plasma (part of blood that does not contain any blood cells). Pulmonary Edema is the term used when edema occurs in the lungs. The area immediately outside of the small blood vessels in the lung occupied by air pockets are very small, called alveoli. This is where oxygen from the air through which blood is taken by, and carbon...

Respiratory Failure

Respiratory failure is the inability of the respiratory system to maintain normal blood oxygenation (PaO2), elimination of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and pH Adequate ventilation problem caused by diffusion or perfusion. Respiratory failure is inadequate gas exchange to hypoxia, hypercapnia (increased arterial carbon dioxide concentration), and acidosis. Respiratory failure occurs when the exchange of O2 to CO2 in the lungs can not maintain the rate of O2 consumption and CO2 formation in the body's cells causing pO2 <> 2> 45 mmHg (hypercapnia) (Smeltzer, C Susane, 2001) Causes / Etiology 1. The central nervous system depression Resulting...

Benefits and Risk of Asthma Drugs

Talk about the asthma medication, not separated from the wide selection of types of drugs available. Starting from the class of drugs, intended use, as well as dosage forms. Different classes of drugs will show different effects. Different effects will affect the intended use, whether the drugs used to prevent or to cope with current asthma relapse. While the dosage form influencing onset (time taken from drug to drug consumption have an effect) and the effectiveness of medications so usually adjust to the goals of treatment and the patient's condition. But keep in mind the drug in addition to having the benefit, of course not separated from...

Pulmonary Embolism

Pulmonary embolism is the obstruction of one or more pulmonary artery by a thrombus originating from somewhere. (Brunner and Suddarth) Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blockage of the main artery of the lung or one of its branches by a substance That has Travelled from elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream (embolism). (Wikipedia) Causes Most cases of pulmonary embolism according to Brunner and Suddarth caused by 1. Blood clot 2. Air bubble 3. Fat 4. Tumor cells Pulmonary Embolism (PE)Overview Causes Clinical Manifestations Pathophysiology Diagnostic Examination Investigations Complication Medical Management Clinical Manifestations The...

Radiological Abnormalities of Atelectasis

When the whole lung is deflated, there will be a homogeneous shadow on the sides of it, to heart and went to the department's trachea and the diaphragm lifted. When only one lobe of the atelaktasis caused by bronchial obstruction, may appear two characteristic abnormalities. The first abnormality is a shadow of a homogeneous than the deflated lobe itself, which will occupy a smaller space than when it develops at all. A right upper lobe collapse would appear as an opaque area at the top, with a limit that is strictly concave beneath the clavicle near the fissures caused by the raised horizontalis. The left upper lobe usually includes Lingula...

Prevention & Treatment of Atelectasis

Prevention Treatment of atelectasis based on the etiology of the disease. However, prevention is the most important factor. The fundamental framework of therapy is early mobilization and frequent position changes on the client or the client postoperative bedrest. Breath in an orderly important because the client is generally a decline in the influence of anesthesia awareness, decreased mobility, and pain. Mucolytic bronchodilator and, if indicated, and chest physiotherapy will greatly help, adequate ventilation can be increased primarily to changes in position, effective coughing, deep breathing or incentive spirometry. There are several ways...

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